Tuesday 8 February 2011

Sewing Lessons - Watch this Space

Apologies for the lack of Makeover Monday yesterday and the lack of Trash Tuesday today. I have been away and totally lost track of what day it was. This morning I actually woke up and turned the alarm OFF rather than getting up because I thought it was Sunday. (That excuse didn't go down too well with the boss, or Husbando who was also made late for work by my evil button-pushing.)

Makeover Monday is coming in an altered form later today and Trash Tuesday will be up tomorrow - I'll be reviewing Matched by Ally Condie.

A word about this week's Makeover Monday -  some of you have mentioned that you really like reading the entries but you can't sew. then last week a friend in Canada mentioned that she was trying to find someone to teach her kids to sew (she home-schools) and wished I was around. Another friend, also in Canada, seconded the request. So I've decided to teach via blog.

Later today I'll be posting the first sewing lesson as my Makeup Makeover Monday. It's going to be nice and simple - a book cover. Feel free to join in.

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