Wednesday 25 July 2012


Everyone gets songs stuck in their head.

I tend towards theme tunes. Specifically 80's theme tunes.

Dallas. The A-Team. MASH. GI Joe. Jem. Rainbow Brite.

Doesn't have to be something I've heard in the last twenty years, doesn't even have to be something I know all the words to. Currently I have the first 40 seconds or so of Dallas on a loop and I can't seem to get rid of it. Lady Felicity is going to kill me on Monday, but I don't think I've seen an episode of Dallas since about 1990-something. Not a full one anyway. And that was only because I was putting off an essay on Chaucer and the Lollards and TNN was having a marathon.

The human brain is a hoarder of useless information. MY brain in particular. If this is my superpower, I feel slightly cheated.

This post has little point, other than to share my agony with you.

Ted Decibel II : All Music and No Sleep Makes Me Something Something.

Ted Decibel has returned.

He was on holiday for awhile, or at another rehab place, or at the black-market kitchen-gadget sale with Shifty. But he's back. Oh, yes. He's back. Last night was great.

10pm: Thumping bass. Annoying, but it's only 10. I can deal. I'm still up.

11pm: I'm getting ready for bed. I really hope this seemingly endless rendition of Slim Shady ends soon.

11:30pm: Husbando is asleep. How can he sleep through this?

12am: It doesn't seem to be ending.

12:30am: Oh well, at least we've moved onto Fleetwood Mac.

1:00 am: Hmm....I wonder if I should be able to hear the lyrics of Landslide through the floor and a brick wall?

1:30 am: Probably not.

Tuesday 24 July 2012