Thursday 27 January 2011


On the train.

Three girls: Girl in School Uniform (GiSU), Girl with Pink Scrunchie (GwPS), Short Girl in Muddy Trainers (SGiMT)

GiSU: I don't know why people watch the X-Factor.
GwPS: I'm not having this conversation with you again. Some people. Like. It.
GiSU: They can like it, I just don't get it.
SGiMT:  (kicking back of seat, dry mud falling all over other trainer) I don't understand Music.

(GiSU & GwPS stare at her.)

GiSU: Well, the X-factor isn't really what I'd call music.
SGiMT: No but, like it's all just noise, innit? Like why would people listen to it?
GwPS: What? Listen to the X-factor?
SGiMT: No. Music. Like why do you listen to music. What's the point. It's all just...I don't know. It's all noise. I don't get it.

(Long pause)

GiSU: I don't get you.

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