Thursday 10 November 2011

Eleven Memories: Ten

For his 90th birthday, my mother threw Papa a huge birthday party. 

Everyone was invited. Family, friends, neighbours. Even the checkout girls from the grocery store who Papa flirted with every time he went shopping.

Everyone said; 'Of course we'll come!' We said; 'Flights are so expensive in July.'

My Mother would phone with updates. 'We've hired the caterer.' 'It's going to be at the house because that's easier.' 'It's such a shame you can't make it. But we understand.'

Of course we were coming. It was going to be a surprise. And, not wanting to kill the man on his 90th birthday with a heart attack, we decided it would be best to let Papa in on the secret. A few days after Mum told us about the plans, when we  were sure we would be able to go, we phoned Papa. 'Guess what?'

'You're pregnant.' 

' We're coming for your party. But it's a secret. You can't tell anyone. Especially Mum and Dad.'

There was silence on the other end of the line. I wondered if he had heard me. Phone calls with Papa usually involved at least three or four increasingly loud repetitions of news items on my part. I was about to repeat myself when I heard him laughing.

'I'm good at secrets.'

He was great at secrets. 

For the next six months we updated him with our travel plans: when we would arrive, where we would stay the first night and how, one by one, we would reveal ourselves to the members of my family. We planned to stay with him for part of the visit and expected to arrive there on Wednesday at lunchtime. As we got closer to the date of the party, Papa began to toy with my parents, who were still under the impression we were not going to be there.

My mother began to worry.

'Papa says that he might be having visitors from Europe next week. Do you know anything about this?'

'Is it that Dutch couple that came to visit a few years ago? They were nice. Are they staying for the party?'

'I don't think so. He just says it's some nice people he met. He's offered them lunch.' She sounded tense. 'Your father thinks we should be there when they come. Just to make sure it isn't some kind of scam.'

I told her that sounded like a good idea and had to hang up before my laughter gave me away. I had packing to do.

The day we arrived, friends picked us up from the airport. The next day we drove out to Papa's as planned. Mum's car was in the drive. No 'strangers from Europe' were going to get one over on her father-in-law.

I could hear Papa whistling as he came to open the door. My mother hovered at the top of the stairs, a grim look on her face. It took a moment for it to sink in while the three of us grinned up at her.

'What are you doing here? Did you know about this?' She turned to Papa. 'You did! These are your visitors from Europe! How long have you known?'

'Oh since about January,' he chuckled. He looked at me and grinned. 'Shall we invite your father over for lunch?'


Caroline said...

What a fantastic story! These memories are all really lovely.

FrozenNorth said...

It was a terrific surprise. We're enjoying the memories as well.