Thursday 3 November 2011

Eleven Memories: Three

My Great Nana and I  were the only lefties in our family. When I was really little, Papa used to look at me with his Serious Face and say:

'All horse thieves are left-handed, but not all left-handed people are horse thieves.' 

When he said it in front of his mother, she rolled her eyes at him and chuckled. I only ever scowled. It was awhile before I could work out what he meant. By then he'd moved on to 'Eat your crusts, they'll put hair on your chest' (quickly replaced with 'eat your crusts, they'll make your hair curly' when I shrieked in protest).

I never ate a crust and still wound up with curly hair. I've never met a horse thief, but considering the porridge drawer, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.

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